Atlas lathe t slot cross slide

TIPS #333 pt 1 Making a Compound Rest for a 6" Atlas Craftsman ...

Slotting/shaping/keyway attachment for Atlas 618 lathe Slotting/shaping/keyway attachment for Atlas 618 lathe and I can cut a slot the length of the lathe bed. However, it’s slow and it puts a lot of strain on the carriage rack, because that’s how the carriage traverses the bed: me twirling a wheel that runs a pinion that runs on the rack, and I have to take very fine cuts in steel or risk ... OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS AND CRAFTSMAN SIX-INCH … always fit snugly, because the cross slide is in almost continual use. { 4) The ball and crank handles on the cross feed screw and the • Be sure that the "tail" or bent portion of the lathe dog fits into the face plate slot without resting on the bottom of the face plate slot. Bring the tailstock up close to the end of the stock and lock ...

Apr 22, 2012 ... I've come into possession of an old 6" lathe, an Atlas 618 to be exact. ... the saddle's dovetails for the cross-slide - don't get too worried about it.

Used Metal Lathes, lathe chucks, face plates, collet chucks and steady rests. Beswick Lathe by C.H.Joyce The front and back saddle wings to the right-hand side were provided with a T-slot to mount the travelling steady and the cross-slide travel, driven by a 1/2" x 8 t.p.i. Acme-form screw, was a generous 7 inches. Catarcat Lathes Late model Cataract lathes were available mounted on "Open" and "Enclosed" stands that, whilst well-thought out pieces of equipment (designed to insulate the lathe, as far as possible, from vibrations transmitted from the motor and its … Threading Handle for the Atlas 618 Lathe Normally, when you thread "inch" threads on a lathe with "inch" leadscrews, you just make a threading pass, disengage the half nut (back out the cross slide) and crank the carriage back to your starting point.

Shaft, Cross Slide DRO Mount, Mini Lathe This cross slide DRO display mounting shaft is part of the Digital Position Readout, 2-Axis Mini Lathe Kit (P/N 5675) and is a replacement part for the HiTorque 7x16 Deluxe Mini Lathe (drawing part number 85).

Scott's Atlas / Craftsman 101.07403 12x36" Lathe, modifications and projects. Barnes Lathes The cross slide was enlarged to become a useful, T-slotted boring table which carried a swivelling top slide as part of the regular equipment. Page Title

Features: Table with t-slots for front and back-mounted tooling; Operates with quick-action lever or use existing cross-feed screw; Compatible with Brown ...

... ads I finally landed an Atlas Lathe. The machine as I found it had no tooling and instead of a compound slide and cross slide had some sort of T slotted table.

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Craftsman/Atlas 618 [page 13] - SNAFU News Nov 28, 2016 · The slot is the body of the stop is the width of the ways. I don’t have a mill so I made the slot by boring a hole of the appropriate diameter and depth then spent a bunch of time filing the edges to get the needed shape. The marks on the bottom of the stop that are a larger diamter than the slot are due to a learning experience. Mini Lathe Tuning The cross-slide lead screw engages with a rectangular brass nut attached to the underside of the cross-slide by two hex screws. A third hex screw presses against the top of the brass nut to adjust its height. By adjusting this middle screw and the two mounting screws, you can adjust the brass nut to minimize backlash in the cross-slide. It's a

Slotting/shaping/keyway attachment for Atlas 618 lathe. ... I recently made a new cross slide for my lathe, that allows me to bolt workpieces to the cross slide, and was thinking about bolting a linear way onto it to make a nice smooth shaper mechanism, but then I realized that I already have a linear way: the stock lathe compound slide ... Atlas/Craftsman 618 information - FRII The 618 was made by the Atlas Lathe company, and rebadged and sold by Sears as the Craftsman 101-series lathe from roughly 1930 to the 1980's, in various versions. ... More aftermarket mods are available from Bower Machine including a replacement cross-slide with t-slots. ... People have been known to shatter the cast iron t-slot flanges by ... Threading Handle for the Atlas 618 Lathe A Threading Handle for the Atlas 618 Lathe ... pass, disengage the half nut (back out the cross slide) and crank the carriage back to your starting point. ... expanding the slotted end. It locks up very tight in the spindle. To release it, the nut on the end is loosened, and a light tap on it pushes the taper 7X12 Mini-Lathe T-slotted Cross-slide. -